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(More customer reviews)"Hormones, Health, and Happiness" by Steven F. Hotze, M.D. is very informative because it discusses correcting hormonal imbalances with the use of biologically identical hormones. It also discusses candida albicans (yeast) overgrowth (often having been caused by antibiotic use), allergies, low thyroid and adrenal fatigue. In the 1980s I had a good doctor for me at the time ... who diagnosed me with allergies and candida albicans overgrowth in my intestinal tract, then I did get lots of relief, but continued to have some ongoing problems with chronic tiredness. Years later I suspected because of my thin hair that I might be low thyroid, but after having gone to an internal medicine doctor and having had the blood test I was told my thyroid levels were "normal". Going to the Hotze Health & Wellness Center in Katy, Texas two years ago, (1.) I was diagnosed hypothyroid by my many symptoms so I began taking Armour thyroid (Now I feel more well, have more energy, and feel less susceptible to illness like colds and flu.), and (2.) now in my mid-40s I am also taking biologically identical progesterone to balance my estrogen dominance, (My menstural cycles are more regular again.) and (3.) my numerous candida albicans (intestinal yeast) overgrowth symptoms are less after taking Nystatin and Diflucan. (I was a severe case, tested to have ten times the normal amount of yeast antibodies, so I have to constantly take yeast killers, replenish my system with probiotics, and limit carbs in my diet ... because candida albicans organisms thrive and repopulate on sugar.) I am very glad Dr. Hotze offers me a more complete answer to my health issues ... not just diagnosing me with allergies and candida albicans (yeast) overgrowth, but also addressing the very important issue of hormonal imbalances. In his book, Dr. Hotze explains that many women could avoid hysterectomies if only they would deal with their estrogen dominance by taking biologically identical progesterone. The second month on the bioidentical progesterone I was back to being normal, and the Nystatin and Diflucan soon reduced my abdominal pain caused by yeast. I truly believe that had I gone to any of many other doctors two years ago, I would be without a uterus right now. Already a "guest" of the Hotze Health and Wellness Center, and having attended a number of Dr. Hotze's symposiums in Houston during the past few years, I know part of the regimen does include having metal amalgam fillings removed from teeth ... whether or not he mentions this in the book.
One thing I do not understand is why Dr. Hotze mentions in his book coconut oil is one of the bad oils, however in his vitamin business, Physician's Preference, they do sell Tropical Traditions coconut oil. I think he should have included more on this topic in the book. Rather than simply saying coconut oil is bad, he could have said that coconut oil processed a certain way is bad, and that coconut oil processed a certain way is good (... just like expeller pressed olive oil is good, and heated and chemically processed olive oil is bad, as mentioned in the book "Beyond Pritkin" by Ann Louise Gittleman.), and Tropical Traditions virgin and expeller-pressed coconut oil is superior ... one reason being it is an excellent source of capryllic acid, which kills candida albicans (yeast). On this topic of coconut oil, I suggest reading the books "Virgin Coconut Oil" by Brian Shilhavy and Marianita Jader Shilhavy, and "The Coconut Diet" by Cherie Calbom and John Calbom. Both of these books explain that this particular kind of coconut oil can also help balance hormones, improve thyroid function, and kill overpopulations of candida albicans (yeast). The Shilavy's book is even for sale at Physician's Preference.
Another important topic that should have been mentioned in Dr. Hotze's book is goitrogens, foods that inhibit thyroid function.
It's nice to get lots of relief of symptoms quick from Dr. Hotze's regimen of replenishing depleted hormones with compounded biologically identical hormones, however I am very interested in going one step further and finding out how I can cause my body to become more balanced so I do not have to, for instance, buy expensive biologically identical hormones for the rest of my life ... or at least eventually be able to lower my doses. (At my first appointment at the Hotze Health and Wellness center, I spent over $4000.00, which included the highest level of service, prescriptions for biologically identical hormones and yeast killers, vitamins, and allergy drops.) Two books that offer information about cleansing and detoxing are Don Colbert, M.D.'s "Toxic Relief" and Valerie Saxion, N.D.'s "How to Feel Great All the Time". Both books explain the importance of fasting and cleanses, including liver cleansing. I did see Valerie Saxion on television last year say if you clean the liver it will function better, and when the liver is clean the thyroid will function better. This is exactly the kind of practical information I am interested in. In Dr. Colbert's book I was very happy to read about intestinal repair by taking supplements, because in the past my candida albicans (yeast) overgrowth was so bad that it made holes in my gut, then food protein went directly into my bloodstream which resulted in many allergies. In the 1980s I was tested allergic to 70% of foods, then after eliminating or eating them less often through the years, then applying what I learned from Dr. Colbert's book, and also learning from the book "The Miracle of MSM" by Stanley W. Jacob, M.D., Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D., and Martin Zucker that taking MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) can help reduce allergy symptoms ... by the time I was tested again for allergies at the Hotze Health and Wellness Center two years ago, I was found to be allergic to only three foods ... foods that I had been consuming on a regular basis.
I highly recommend reading Dr. Hotze's book, and I highly recommend reading all of the other books I mention in this review; they are all very informative. In the months to come, I also look forward to the release of exercise physiologist Teresa Tapp's book because information she already offers on her website and recorded seminars and workouts is excellent; her copyrighted exercise moves increase lymphatic flow, and they as well as a special cold processed alfalfa she sells help balance hormones.
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