Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)This is definitely one of the most comprehensive of all biostatistics textbooks out there and it is also the best. Authoritative in style, it starts from the very basics and surveys in *detail* almost every method in biostatistics.
You will be impressed: Apart from *all* the basic techniques usually found in most biostatistics texbooks, it has two extensive chapters on Bayesian methods (with Gibbs sampling, MCMC, etc., you name it), extensive treatments of clinical trials, extensive treatments of longitudinal data and GEE models, extensive details on the bootstrap and jackknife, an extensive chapter on methods in epidemiology (risk ratios, Mantel-Haenszel method), extensive treatments of categorical data (contingency tables, logistic regression), and an extensive chapter on survival analysis. This is indeed a very extensive book.
"Statistical Methods in Medical Research" is also a book on methodology, so theorems and proofs are not to be expected. Also there are no exercises, but there are excellent illustrative examples of the various methods. While it is very descriptive, it contains enough mathematics to keep the presentation of concepts *complete*. It is also very up-to-date and has an excellent reference list.
In a nutshell, this is a work of great ambition and vision: it will cater for beginners and masters alike.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Statistical Methods in Medical Research (Armitage, Statistical Methods in Medical Research)
The explanation and implementation of statistical methods for the medical researcher or statistician remains an integral part of modern medical research. This book explains the use of experimental and analytical biostatistics systems. Its accessible style allows it to be used by the non-mathematician as a fundamental component of successful research.
Since the third edition, there have been many developments in statistical techniques. The fourth edition provides the medical statistician with an accessible guide to these techniques and to reflect the extent of their usage in medical research.
The new edition takes a much more comprehensive approach to its subject. There has been a radical reorganization of the text to improve the continuity and cohesion of the presentation and to extend the scope by covering many new ideas now being introduced into the analysis of medical research data. The authors have tried to maintain the modest level of mathematical exposition that characterized the earlier editions, essentially confining the mathematics to the statement of algebraic formulae rather than pursuing mathematical proofs.
Received the Highly Commended Certificate in the Public Health Category of the 2002 BMA Books Competition.
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