Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)A thoroughly researched, clearly written text on a timely and much controverted subject. Conflicts of interest occur in many social situations, the present book concentrating on conflictive issues in medical practice, research and education.
After granting lip-service to a deontological (duty bound) analysis, the text takes a decidedly utilitarian approach, as illustrated by the definition of conflicts of interests as the undue influence of secondary interests over primary ones. How and who is to evaluate what is primary, secondary, and undue influence? This approach is usefull for major and obivous transgresion, but less so for more subtle dilemmas and for the unavoidable grey zones of ethical debate.
Dealing with conflicts of interest in a consequential way stresses disclosure, regulation and punition, and should serve as an institutional regulatory norm. Again, not enough thought is given to the "internal good" of ethical propriety as a basic attitude aimed at recovering robust confidence in the practice and practitioners of health care.
This book provides ample food for thought, and constitutes inspiring and instructive reading for members of the biomedical and the bioethics communities.
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Collaborations of physicians and researchers with industry can provide valuable benefits to society, particularly in the translation of basic scientific discoveries to new therapies and products. Recent reports and news stories have, however, documented disturbing examples of relationships and practices that put at risk the integrity of medical research, the objectivity of professional education, the quality of patient care, the soundness of clinical practice guidelines, and the public's trust in medicine. Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice provides a comprehensive look at conflict of interest in medicine. It offers principles to inform the design of policies to identify, limit, and manage conflicts of interest without damaging constructive collaboration with industry. It calls for both short-term actions and long-term commitments by institutions and individuals, including leaders of academic medical centers, professional societies, patient advocacy groups, government agencies, and drug, device, and pharmaceutical companies. Failure of the medical community to take convincing action on conflicts of interest invites additional legislative or regulatory measures that may be overly broad or unduly burdensome. Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice makes several recommendations for strengthening conflict of interest policies and curbing relationships that create risks with little benefit. The book will serve as an invaluable resource for individuals and organizations committed to high ethical standards in all realms of medicine.--This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.
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