
Social Security, Medicare & Government Pensions: Get the Most of Your Retirement and Medical Benefits Review

Social Security, Medicare and Government Pensions: Get the Most of Your Retirement and Medical Benefits
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Get notified of updates at www.nolo.com/legalupdater. Check www.nolo.com/update to find recent changes in the law that affects the information in this book. Customer service support is available at 800-728-3555.
Here are some of the benefits covered in this book:
Veterans benefits - free or low cost medical care
Social Security - retirement & disability benefits
Supplemental Security Income
Federal Civil Service Retirement Benefits
How to navigate the bureaucracy
Reduce your health care costs
Prescription drug discount cards

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Everyone wants to get the most out of their retirement benefits -- not to mention the best medical coverage and prescription drug benefits!Social Security, Medicare & Government Pensions clearly explains what the different benefits are, and shows you how to claim what you've earned, including:*Social Security retirement and disability benefits*Social Security dependents and survivor benefits*Supplemental Security Income*federal, state and local government pensions*Medicare and Medicaid*Medigap managed care plans*veterans benefits*prescription drug coverageCompletely updated to provide the latest information and changes in benefits, this plain-English book is a must-have for anyone who is retired or about to be.

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Sickness and Wealth: The Corporate Assault on Global Health Review

Sickness and Wealth: The Corporate Assault on Global Health
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Sickness and Wealth is an enlightening and in-depth collection of essays on this, perhaps the most central, of corporate assaults. This book will raise any reader's awareness of how health care issues, especially in the third world, are naturally intertwined with the issues of poverty, environmental degradation, militarism, racism, issues of democratic participation and all issues of economic justice. The book clearly depicts and emphasizes how the struggle for human rights is in its essence directly up against the corporate assault known as "globalization of economies" and how health is a central aspect of human rights.
The essays hold together to form a well-rounded picture of how globalization has already affected how health care and health opportunities are pursued and achieved throughout the world and what the major forces restricting future achievement are likely to be. Scores of detailed specific examples are discussed to give the reader a concrete understanding of how health care has been involved with other social and economic issues in the modern history. The essays are well the referenced, enabling further serious study.
The volume will be extremely useful as a reference for people already involved in public health and health policy, who want a greater breadth of knowledge about the interconnections between health and other development issues, whether social, political or economic. Likewise, the book will excellently serve individuals already concerned and/or involved in anti-globalization work, but uncertain of how health relates to protesting trade agreements, environmental degradation or militarism in the third world.
The book's one weakness is its failure to describe the struggle for health care rights in the USA. The struggle for health care as a human right and the broad agreement that the current market-driven US health system is in shambles must be an important facet of the worldwide struggle. The book does acknowledge that US-based corporations are exporting the privatization of health services, health products and the natural resources which support health. But the logical and important conclusion that this movement towards privatization might be fought most effectively by aligning US progressive forces with international human rights concerns does not become clear anywhere in the book.
A chapter could easily have been included on the struggle for health care rights in the USA, the grassroots struggle parallel to the work of the People's Health Movement in other countries. Especially, the grassroots, state level and local struggles in the USA for a right to health care should not have been left out, as they so closely parallel the struggles in less wealthy nations and are making such determined progress at this moment. Readers might have also enjoyed learning about the struggle for maintaining single-payer national health care in Canada against the assault from companies trying to invade from their southern neighbor. Leading Canadian organizations appreciate the important role of the US movement against the commodification and privatization of health care resources. Educating US workers about their worsening deprivation of health resources under the current schemes of privatization is vital to weakening the base of globalization and raising the standard everywhere.

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Workable Sisterhood: The Political Journey of Stigmatized Women with HIV/AIDS Review



Biological Weapons Defense: Infectious Disease and Counterbioterrorism (Infectious Disease) Review

Biological Weapons Defense: Infectious Disease and Counterbioterrorism (Infectious Disease)
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This book completely surpassed all of my expectations. It discusses topics from the perspective of microbiology, genetics, pathology, and of course, biological warfare. I'm more interested in the medical aspects of this topic, but the book had so much more than I could have ever expected!
My only complaint was that the CD that came with it only had an Acrobat file on it, telling me how to install Adobe's 'Digital Editions.' I assume the idea was to encourage me to purchase the electronic version of this and other books, but I was under the assumption that there would be additional material on the CD.
But nevertheless, an outstanding resource!

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Prominent experts in biodefense research-many from the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases-authoritatively delineate the universe of scientific, medical, and legal issues facing the biodefense research community. Regarding medical countermeasures and decontamination, the authors describe the treatment and pathogenesis of a variety of established pathogens (anthrax, plague, smallpox, Brucellosis, Glanders, and Coxiella burnettii) and review what is known about the aerosol route of infection and decontamination processes. They also examine how to discover the presence of these agents, or other previously unknown biological weapons, and detail the ongoing efforts to counter these agents, including proteomic and genomic analysis as a gateway to better diagnostics, therapeutics, vaccinations, genotyping, and forensics. Additional chapters discuss the development and use technology to identify and characterize these infectious organisms, emerging threats, and the development of countermeasures.

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A Question of Trust: The BBC Reith Lectures 2002 Review

A Question of Trust: The BBC Reith Lectures 2002
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As other authors have pointed out, the American society and those in other countries are less "connected" than ever before. Indeed, there is ample evidence that people trust their government, business leaders, professionals, and each other less.
This collection of five lectures explores how the phenomenon happens and what can be done to avert the current trend. In particular, the author argued that many current meausres of improving trust, such as increasing transparency and accountability of public and private sectors, usually miss the main point and may do more harm than good.
Some of her suggested solutions are very noble indeed. They can nevertheless be implemented if only more people understand the importance of trust as a fundamental farbic in demoracy, business, and each individual's well-being. The book serves as a very elementary introduction to such an issue.

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Critical Infrastructure: Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Review

Critical Infrastructure: Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
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I read this book, and honestly, it is ahead of it's time. It covers a ton of ever changing governmental sources. His second book on transportation security is even better than the first book in terms of ideas on securing supply chains. I recommend this book to anyone in the infrastructure and/or security business.

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Reporting on the significant strides made in securing and protecting our nation's infrastructures, this timely and accessible resource examines emergency responsiveness and other issues vital to national homeland security. Critical Infrastructure: Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness details the important measures that have been taken over the past few years to safeguard the industries, national landmarks, and national assets considered vital to the continued economic operation and success of any country and its people.
After introducing the topic, this comprehensive book covers concerns such as data classification and categorization, border security and immigration, cyberterrorism, hazardous materials, national response plans, national incident management systems, and incident command systems. It presents newly developed department and agency level protocols, as well as newly formulated procedures and guidelines. It also explains security vulnerability assessments, information sharing and analysis centers, control systems, and supervisory control and data acquisition.
Comprehensive and authoritative, Critical Infrastructure: Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness isa must-have resource for professionals within both the private and public sectors and for students studying topics relating to critical infrastructure, emergency management, crisis response, and disaster recovery.

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Deadly Medicine: Why Tens of Thousands of Heart Patients Died in America's Worst Drug Disaster Review

Deadly Medicine: Why Tens of Thousands of Heart Patients Died in America's Worst Drug Disaster
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Ralph Moss wrote an excellent review of this book in the Spring 1997 edition of the Cancer Chronicles. I am writing only to put his review into context. There have been many books written describing the shortcomings of medicine, particularly those questioning claims of the efficacy of medical intervention. These include Robert Mendelsohn's Confessions of A Medical Heretic; Richard Taylor's Medicine out of Control; Ivan Illich's Medical Nemesis; the New Medical Foundation's Dissent in Medicine; Samuel Epstein's The Politics of Cancer; Ralph Moss' Cancer Industry and Questioning Chemotherapy; Ulrich Abel's Chemotherapy of advanced epithelial cancer - a critical survey; What Doctors Don't Tell You's Cancer Handbook, What's Really Working; and Neville Hodgkinson's AIDS, the failure of scientific medicine. (I have also published two papers questioning the efficacy of surgical treatment of cancer in Medical Hypotheses.) These together support and explain the claim in the editorial in the British Medical Journal of October 1991 (Vol 303: 198-99) "Where is the wisdom...? The poverty of medical evidence" that "Only about 15% of medical interventions are supported by solid evidence... This is partly because only 1% of the articles in medical journals are scientifically sound". Thomas Moore's earlier (1989) book Heart Failure describes the poor record of treating heart problems with bypass surgery, balloon angioplasty and drugs to lower serum cholesterol. Moore's more recent book homes in on particular drugs such as those used to treat arrhythmia. With deaths from heart disease accounting for more than 40% of all deaths these two books on the inefficacy of treatments for heart problems fill an important gap. As a scientist I found the section explaining how "surrogate endpoints" are used instead of actual therapeutic benefits to test efficacy particularly useful. It explains why so many claims for the efficacy of chemotherapy are invalid. It is a pity that the book is now out of print.

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Chimeras, Hybrids, and Interspecies Research: Politics and Policymaking Review

Chimeras, Hybrids, and Interspecies Research: Politics and Policymaking
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Mythology at times is mistaken for being real, or at least what potentially could be real. The author of this book recognizes this fact, and that mythology should not be the standard for public policy in biotechnology, even approximately. The book sometimes reads as a literature survey, but its contents put the debate on some of the more exotic uses of biotechnology in a rational context. Its author implores readers to back off from their affective reactions to biotechnology and use the cognitive regions of their brain to evaluate the moral and ethical considerations behind biotechnology, particularly in the use or creation of what are called chimeras and hybrids.
The focus in the book is on the use of these entities for human health but the rights of animals and their welfare is not ignored. Fear and foreboding have frequently set the standard for policy-making in biotechnology, and those individuals who are spreading such attitudes will probably not take the time to study this book, or even the biology behind chimeras and hybrids. That is unfortunate of course, but readers who are genuinely interested in the social ramifications of this technology will definitely benefit from reading this book, if even at minimum to get an understanding of just what is currently possible in biotechnology. The mainstream press would definitely be a targeted audience, mainly because it seems that journalists are the first to exaggerate the developments in the biological sciences. It could also be of great interest to those who are working in the field of moral psychology and neuroethics, since the author touches on the reasons why some find these kind of biological developments "repugnant" at first glance, only to accept them after sustained cognitive reflection.
As a book on politics and policymaking, it is not surprising that the author does not spend time debating whether or not chimeras or hybrids should be created for their own sake. One can only suppose that she does not entertain this possibility, only for example giving a very cursory commentary on `transhumanism', which is the label given to those who believe in unbridled research into creating new biological entities, whether they are crossed with humans or not. This reviewer enthusiastically supports this kind of research. Some may label these creations as monsters, but this reviewer would call it progress. It used to be said that if humans were meant to fly they would have had wings. But one day humans will (and should) have wings, and they will fly.

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Bail Enforcer: The Advanced Bounty Hunter Review

Bail Enforcer: The Advanced Bounty Hunter
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"The Advanced Bounty Hunter"?!? I Don't think so. Reading this title leads the reader to believe that Bob Buton is going to share his nitty gritty know how with the readers. Instead Burton shares many a story from yester-year. While entertaining, these stories do not get into the specifics one needs, to be sucessfull as an Advanced Bounty Hunter. Burton touchs on some very important subjects, yet chapter after chapter Burton leaves you short changed. For example, One chapter called "The arrest" does a good job at teaching what handcuffs are for and which ones to buy; but tells you nothing of good, sound arrest techniques.Or how to even use handcuffs. After all, one does not simply put handcuffs on a six foot four, two hundred twenty pound wanted felon. "Bail Enforcment Academy" By Eric Davis is a much better teaching tool. Davis goes into much greater detail on every subject Burton covers and even some he fails to cover. "Bail Enforcer" was somewhat disappointing givin Burton's experience.

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America's most successful bounty hunter reveals advanced details and tricks of hunting and capturing humans. Learn how to obtain an arrest contract, surveillance tips, what to wear during a bust, how to work with the police, hazards of the use of deadly force, how to avoid your own arrest, legal precedents of the trade and more.

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Healthy Competition: What's Holding Back Health Care and How to Free It Review

Healthy Competition: What's Holding Back Health Care and How to Free It
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I enjoyed the book and found it presented a well organized argument for why it is so critical to allow the markets and consumers to experiment with new methods of controlling health care costs and improving access. I also appreciated the author's acknowledgement that health care is a special service that is critically important in our lives. That is what makes reforming the system so challenging.
The book makes clear that market based proposals to reform health care are designed to lower the cost of care and increase coverage. These are proposals that are critical to all Americans.

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Concise Cardiology: An Evidence-Based Handbook Review

Concise Cardiology: An Evidence-Based Handbook
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Newly released Concise Cardiology by Daniels is the best cardiology pocket-book I've seen. It's chapters are easy to read and navigate, filled with nice charts and diagrams. Bullet-points make important concepts easy to review. Literature review summary on each subject make this a useful book even at the fellow/attending level. The book dimensions and weight make it easy to carry in you pocket. I am a senior IM resident at a top program and soon-to-be cardiology fellow. I use this book all the time on my cards rotations!

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Written by residents, fellows in training, and experienced attending physicians, this pocket book presents an evidence-based clinical approach to cardiology in a concise quick-reference format. The book is designed for rapid point-of-care consultation and is ideal for residents, fellows, and practitioners who operate in a fast-paced environment.
The comprehensive coverage ranges from preventive cardiology, to acute coronary syndromes, to electrophysiology, to cardiology consultation. Current AHA/ACC guidelines are combined with evidence-based findings and reviews of clinical trials. Each clinical problem is analyzed in detail to aid in diagnosis. Appendices cover central vascular access techniques and clinical pharmacology.

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Virus Alert: Security, Governmentality, and the AIDS Pandemic Review

Virus Alert: Security, Governmentality, and the AIDS Pandemic
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VIRUS ALERT offers a fine security analysis of the implications of HIV and AIDS and covers evidence to view it as a security issue, with political consequences in response choices and the dangers involved in global efforts to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS through national security policies. College-level libraries strong in political and social issues will find this an outstanding discussion.

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Medicine at the Crossroads Review

Medicine at the Crossroads
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There are basically two parts of Medicine at the Crossroads, both of which are invaluable reads. The first is a critique of our health care system with an urgent brief for a Canadian/French type of single-payer system. The second part of the book is a review of medical procedures and ethical dilemmas occurring all over the world. Konner analyzes the morality of numerous medical procedures and theories. For example, he discusses whether parents should be allowed to abort fetuses that show genetic predispositions toward certain physical or mental diseases. As a mental health patient myself, I appreciated his analysis of the treatment of the mentally ill. I salute him for his thoughtful discussion.
He is brilliant in the epilogue, where he makes a powerful case for a single-payer, i.e. publicly paid, health care system in the U.S. He shows that our current system is expensive and produces very poor results. If you only have time for a quick read, check out the epilogue first. It was written while the Clintons were formulating their own health care solution, which Konner shows would not have worked if passed.
I cannot recommend this book too highly. The next time a conservative babbles about the evils of "socialized medicine," give him a copy of this book. If there arguments don't convince him, nothing will.

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Plague: The Mysterious Past and Terrifying Future of the World's Most Dangerous Disease Review

Plague: The Mysterious Past and Terrifying Future of the World's Most Dangerous Disease
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One of the most difficult and important talents for a scientist is to communicate difficult material in an understandable way. Dr. Orent has an astounding ability to communicate complex material coherently enough for a nonspecialist to understand. She has made sense of an enormous amount of plague history: why did specific plague eruptions throughout history emerge? Why did some eruptions self destruct while others kept going for many years? Why did some plague eruptions seem to require transmission through rats and rat fleas while others transmitted directly from human to human? Why do researchers in some countries consider plague virtually always fatal while researchers in some other countries consider it primarily a disease of rodents with little potential for human infection?
Dr. Orent traveled as far as Russia to meet with leading plague researchers (and biological terrorists) in the process of preparing this book.
I had the pleasure of discussing plague with Dr. Orent a couple of years ago when she was in Maryland doing research for the work. At the time I was stuck in the mind set from my days in college, when we learned that plague died down in Europe when the brown rats (essentially imune to plague) forced out the black rats (vulnerable to plague). While Dr. Orent told me that some forms of plague transmitted directly from human to human, the horror of the situation did not come through until I read her very convincing book.
I strongly recommend this book, one of the finest nonfiction books I have read in many years. As an experienced author, it takes a lot for an author to impress me with writing ability. Based on this book, Dr. Orent is one of the finest pure writers I have encountered in many years -- as well as an excellent scientist.

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International Perspectives on Disability Services: The Same but Different Review

International Perspectives on Disability Services: The Same but Different
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Yuen gives valuable insight into the disability rights movements throughout the world. Though there is a slight emphasis on the US. The situation in Japan is well covered here. Giving useful comparisons to the reader, on how different societies tackle the problem of providing services to various types of disabled people.
One common theme is how to avoid or minimise stigmatisation. When a disabled person necessarily deviates from a society's norm, this is can adverse psychological effect on her.
Note that the book essentially restricts itself to developed countries. In the developing world, the difficulties are far greater for the disabled.
The book offers an extensive bibliography of research papers for the reader who wants a more comprehensive discussion.

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Learn how to include multiculturalism in disability-related social work! International Perspectives on Disability Services: The Same but Different presents different cultural and societal contexts on services for people with disabilities. This book covers a range of topics on disabilities related to physical status, emotional conditions, and community settings. This useful introductory reference will help you develop culturally sensitive disability services both locally and overseas, and it will promote better understanding of people with disabilities. This book is a unique examination of services for people with disabilities as they exist in several countries. Until recently, cultural context was used to describe race or ethnicity, but this innovative text recognizes people with disabilities as a worldwide community that is advocating for equality and respect. International Perspectives on Disability Services focuses on the need for human and social services that endorse capability and empowerment—promoting the person rather than the disability. In International Perspectives on Disability Services, you'll learn about:
using the term “culture” to describe the community of people with disabilities—how cultural sensitivity and competency can be applied to the disability culture
the dynamics of a transcultural relationship between psychotherapist and deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals
the recent development in aphasia treatment—Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA)—and the international perspective of communication therapy
a comparison of attitudes among social work students in the United States and Japan toward people with disabilities—people with disabilities are not yet integrated into Japanese society, but both groups showed room for needed improvement
a comparison of disability-related services and experiences in the United States and in Germany—child-raising leave, child-raising money, and Kindergeld (child money) helps support parents financially for the first few years, but the United States has more options for integrated schooling later in life
Hong Kong's 25-year-old objective to encourage community integration and normalization for people with disabilities to live in the community
the primary support network of family, community leaders, and shaman for people with disabilities among Hmong Americans in Northern California
The informative reports, research findings, case studies, and international comparisons offer new directions for human service professionals and students to help them better meet the social, psychological, and cultural needs of people with disabilities. International Perspectives on Disability Services provides clear-cut evidence that disability-oriented social workers need to improve their perspectives as the disability culture gains momentum as a social entity. This book is a must-read for anyone who works or provides disability-related services, as well as for people with disabilities who need more information on other countries' services.

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Home Front: The Government's War on Soldiers : A Report on How America's Weapons, Medicines, and Bureaucracies of Mass Destruction Harm our Troops and Veterans Review

Home Front: The Government's War on Soldiers : A Report on How America's Weapons, Medicines, and Bureaucracies of Mass Destruction Harm our Troops and Veterans
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This is not a Bush-bashing book but a government-bashing book (White House, Congress, name any year) and deservedly so. It's a timly and telling reminder of how we - our leaders - treat our troops on the war and home fronts. We've all heard about it - here are the sad and gory details.

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Only 148 soldiers were killed in the 1991 Gulf War, but 11,000 have died since: is this normal attrition? For every service member killed in Iraq, 15 others have fallen ill and 4,500 have been returned to the U.S. for medical treatment. Why? In crisp, clear, compelling writing, a prize-winning journalist examines the health and medical issues--with detailed individual examples--facing American military personnel and veterans, and investigates the military/bureaucratic politicking behind them, with* comprehensive documentation from the CDC, VA, Pentagon* historical, war-by-war overview of the issues * comprehensive list of illnesses, syndromes and symptoms * veterans' battles over medical services and policy* analysis of military hospitals and services * public and classified military experiments * discussion of anthrax vaccine and depleted uranium * analysis of the high suicide, alcoholism and homicide rates in the military

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An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations Review

An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations
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This book was the required reading for an introductory class to the subject of industrial relations and collective bargaining. Experienced in the business world, I found this text difficult at best to follow, especially in terms of an historical time-line. I found the material extremely fragmented in presentation, seemingly jumping from one focus to another. It was a challenge to associate the context with the section headers, as the flow was not comfortably predictable. The text often assumes a prerequisite of knowledge that I didn't expect of introductory course material. The book also introduces terminoloy (often in bold text) and concepts upon which it never elaborates. Overall, I did not find the text supportive to learning. I relied heavily on online resources to fill in the gaps in order to pass the course.

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