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(More customer reviews)Dear Medical Colleagues,
This book is a must read for all of us who are practicing in the current managed care environment. It is not important if you are an MD, DO, DDS, DPM, DC, vet or PHD, we are all negatively impacted, and the editor and his contributing writers explain why and what we all can do about it. Although it won't be easy or fast. Medical students will be astounded at the complexity of contemporary practice, as well.
The book is divided into three parts: qualitative, quantitative and the futuristic aspects of healthcare practice. But, I must warn you that if you are an employed doctor, rather than an empolyer physician, you will feel left out since you are a captive agent. At least the independent doctor still has some control left over his or her destiny; for now. Accordingly, Dr. David Edward Marcinko; MBA, CFP, and his team, explain how you can increase your revenues, decrease your expenses and operating assets, to increase your office's Return On Investment (ROI).
In the first section, number crunching, spreadsheets, managerial and cost accounting techniques rule. Normally, somewhat mundane, it is interesting how the author make these numerics "come-alive" when real dollars are attached to the figures.
In the next section on the other hand, the qualitative aspects of medical practice are reviewed. Such topics as negotiation skills, managed care contracting, IT systems, case management and UR are given their due, along with billing, legal, anti-trust, IPA, CPT coding and asset protection issues.
Finally, the authors project their opinions about healthcare in the future; which does not look good for any of us. In fact, I won't reveal their prognosticatons about the standard of fiscal care, medical ethics, or doctors acting like passive lemmings, but they are indeed so chilling that you will just have to read this thought provoking book for yourself.
If you are a doctor, and think you know all about managed care, you will be humbled by this fact filled tome. Not reading this book definately places your practice, profession and living in peril. Do not miss it. This editor is a real doctor and business professional.
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An interdisciplinary team of experts teaches newcomershow to open, staff, and equip an insurance-friendly office forpatients and how to raise the capital necessary for it. This volumehighlights moneymaking and money-losing strategies to lift yourpractice to new heights of success. The reader will become familiarwith employee leasing options, management information systems andcomputers, managed-care negotiation skills, captivation rates andbreak-even analysis, and effective billing guidelines. Physicianleadership skills are also reviewed. The book concludes with importantasset protection strategies and the methodology to choose the practiceenhancement firm that is right for you.
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