Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I've been in commercial real estate for many years and I focus on selling to Dentists. Richard's book is well written and has many sound explains of how a doctors can save tens of thousands of dollars when planning to purchase or lease their commercial space. Doctor's spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their medical/dental educations; however this education is lacking on the subject of purchasing or leasing commercial medical office space. Experience is the best teacher, but the most expensive. Richard's book covers important topics like picking a contractor, site location and many other important and over looked topics.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Mistake Free Medical Office Design and Construction:Written Exclusively for Physicians & Dentists
Whether you have been in a practice for a long time or just got out of medical or dental school you have one thing in common: you weren't taught anything about medical real estate in school. Now you are breaking away from a group that you have been practicing in for years, or you are fortunate enough to have funding to start a new practice straight out of school. Either way, you realize there are some pieces of information that you are missing when it comes to medical real estate and you are not quite sure where to get that information. You have a friend who started his own practice, but he only did it cone, years ago. You really need someone who is experienced and trustworthy.This book will give you the information you need methodically and yet casually. By the time you are done you will know more than every other doctor out there, and probably most real estate brokers. When you follow the suggestions and understand the concepts discussed in this book, you will ensure you will be Mistake Free.
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