Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)"The definitive work on the subject has just been published, and its a long, long time overdue. The first couple of sentences says it all. I couldn't have summed it up better myself. 'In those countries where circumcision is an accepted part of life, perfectly rational, intelligent and well-meaning adults believe that they have the right to cut off parts of their childrens' sexual organs!' What else do you think you have the right to cut off your child?" Dr Dean Edell, The Dean Edell Show, KGO, San Francisco
Click Here to see more reviews about: Male and Female Circumcision: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice
Every year around the world 13.3 million boys and 2 milliongirls have part or all of their external sex organs cut off. Doctors,parents, and politicians have been misled into thinking that thesemutilations are beneficial, necessary and harmless. Internationalrespected experts in the fields of medicine, science, politics, law,ethics, sociology, anthropology, history and religion present thelatest research, documentation and analysis of this world-wideproblem, focusing on the ethical, political and legal aspects ofsexual mutilation; the cost and burden to healthcare systems; thelatest medical research; anatomical and function consequences;religious and cultural aspects; psychological aspects; and theworld-wide campaign to end sexual mutilation.
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