
Head and Neck Radiology: Text and Atlas Review

Head and Neck Radiology: Text and Atlas
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This is a very useful text with a comprehensive review of radiologic findings in Head & Neck pathologic conditions. It is divided into the various neck spaces and each chapter within these sections deals with a specific pathologic finding for that area of the head and neck. The chapters are arranged from benign to malignant pathology and cover epidemiology, clinical findings, pathology, treatment, imaging findings and imaging pearls. The chapters are concise and the images are clear with detailed legends. The line drawings and artist renditions are easily followed and surgical or endoscopic views, where added, enhance the radiologic images presented.
This text is useful for radiology residents, neuroradiology fellows, radiologists who perform head and neck imaging and otolaryngologists. It is a useful addendum to an otolaryngologist's library and can enhance the review of patients' films to determine the site and origin of a lesion. Radiation oncologists and medical oncologists who treat head and neck carcinomas will also find this text to be a useful resource. Oral maxillofacial surgeons would additionally benefit from the information in this book, especially with regards to the odontogenic infections and tumors. Because the chapters are clear and concise, the book is easy to read and can enhance other references to the specific pathology one is interested in.
The authors specifically state in the preface that the purpose of this book is to be a reference used at the viewbox (or PACS machine) and can help identify the location with respect to the various neck spaces as well as the differential diagnosis. The inclusion of imaging pearls is something that residents especially will appreciate. I feel the authors accomplished their goal of making this a workable reference tool and their inclusion of CT, MRI as well as artist renderings and line drawings enhance the ability of this book to be used when reviewing patient images.
Comparing this to other similar references, in specific Valvassori Imaging of the Head and Neck, I find the chapters easier to follow and the organization speeds up the search process for a specific pathology. Even though this book does not specifically address sinus or temporal bone imaging, I feel it is a useful adjunct to Valvassori's text and for quick reference, it is clearly better.

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