Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)As a medical textbook author, I felt a need to add Dorland's to my increasing collection of medical dictionaries, so I ordered a copy from Amazon.com. Now that I have used it for a couple of weeks, I can remember why I chose Stedman's back when my budget was more limited and I compared the two dictionaries with an eye to buying just one of them.I am repeatedly disappointed when I look up terms in Dorland's. Pronunciations are often lacking (e.g., for the cranial foramina and skeletal muscles), the illustrations are meager and inferior to Stedman's, and many terms are missing. Dorland's doesn't even define first-, second-, and third-degree burns, for example, and the levator labii superioris muscle and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi are completely missing from both the body of the dictionary and the appendix of muscle tables. Such omissions reflect either inexcusable carelessness or inexplicable editorial caprice. A professional writer or physician should have Dorland's on hand as a backup source. I find it useful for corroborating some facts and getting alternative meanings of words. But I still go to Stedman's as my first resort; it does a far better job. For a student or professional person with budget for just one good medical dictionary, I recommend Stedman's or the more economical but very good Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary.
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