Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)An excellent piece of work about one of the US' most brilliant engineers who has been pretty much under the radar for generations. Sprague belongs on the same stage with Edison, Tesla, and Westinghouse as one of those key geniuses that brought the world into the era of electricity and high speed transportation. What they did for their time was as amazing as what electronics has done for our time. And nothing they did has been obsoleted by new discovery or invention, it's only been improved on. Frank Julian Sprague: Electrical Inventor and Engineer (Railroads Past and Present)
Click Here to see more reviews about: Frank Julian Sprague: Electrical Inventor and Engineer (Railroads Past and Present)
Frank Julian Sprague invented a system for distributing electricity tostreetcars from overhead wires. Within a year, electric streetcars had begun toreplace horsecars, sparking a revolution in urban transportation. Sprague(1857--1934) was an American naval officer turned inventor who worked briefly forThomas Edison before striking out on his own. Sprague contributed to the developmentof the electric motor, electric railways, and electric elevators. His innovationswould help transform the urban space of the 20th century, enabling cities to growlarger and skyscrapers taller. The Middletons' generously illustrated biography isan engrossing study of the life and times of a maverick innovator. (2010)
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